It's an amazing job. I honestly believe if I didn't enjoy multimedia so much I'd work in counseling or a relations orientated profession.
Every year before school begins we're required to participate in RA training. It's a two week training process focusing on team building and student management. We have an abundance of communities which brings a competitive feel to training. Enter Roll Call.
Every community produces a video for our annual Roll Call competition. There is no prize just bragging rights for a year. We won last year and my boss wanted a repeat so I was asked/force to produce the video.
Sadly, we didn't win. The short didn't follow the non-violent guidelines of the competition to which I gave us the game of RISK! You know the one about conquer and domination. Once I overcame the bitter taste of indifference and defeat I was happy to heard the judges loved it.
I'll just remember to read the rules a little more carefully in the future.
On another note. I'm now on tumblr! I decided to name the new entity The Photographer's Domain. This is not a transition from Que The Lights. I've found a lot of inspiration for my work on tumblr and decided to enter the sphere of creativity I see there on a regular basis.
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