Saturday, March 24, 2012

Terry Rice

I'm always looking for new talent to submerge my work around. Sometimes I find interesting models around campus. In other instances I find myself working with the closest people around me.

T.Rice is my neophyte. This is a common term used by fraternities to signify a younger member in your respective chapter. Terry has been looking to break into modeling for a good amount of time, but we never got around to working together because of the busy schedule of the fraternity.

We finally got around to working together and the products are on point.

Terry Rice in Focus

T. Rice

Abs in Black & White


I have a good amount of new work floating around my FLICKR. I'd recommend checking out the link and seeing my latest work.

Update: I was accepted into NYU. Along with being accepted into USC, I'm waiting to hear back from UCLA and Columbia!

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