Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dr.Pepper and The National Championship

The Dr. Pepper Tuition Throw Competition is finished! I am thankful to say I came in 3rd place and won a $7500 scholarship! It's definitely not $100,000, but I will never allow myself to be ungrateful whenever I receive help. 

I placed fourth in fourth in overall voting. Everyone signed up and voted for me were an invaluable help. I wouldn't have made it to the next step without all of you. 

Dr. Pepper contacted me after the voting competition to inform me I received a $2500 scholarship and an all expense paid trip this year's National Championship between Alabama and Notre Dame. Upon arriving, we competed in the tuition throw. I came in 3rd place, and Dr. Pepper decided to double our scholarships as well! 

As a student and filmmaker, I've learned creativity and monetary gain are synonymous in the struggle towards relevance. We yearn for artistic expression, but find ourselves hampered by the need to survive. We laugh about the characterization of the starving artist, neatly categorized under creative expression vs. realistic living, but it bears truth. 

I understand money is a necessity. More importantly, I realize it is an important, yet secondary piece in the expanding path towards my long-term goals as a filmmaker. This is a step, and I'm already searching for the next ladder to climb. 

If you haven't seen my Dr. Pepper video yet, here it is!

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