Friday, August 20, 2010

Class Is In Session

Recently, school has started back up for the kids at The University of Alabama. For some that indicates the rumblings of new beginnings.

Kids begin their ascension towards their career goals or their downward spiral into mediocrity where the social habits of laziness leave them prey to the horrors of a shitty GPA. Either way, people will come and go. For now, everyone starts off with looks of appreciated optimism.

One of the more interesting events at the university is Black Power hour (from the time of 12pm to 2:00) where Black students congregate within the Ferguson Center (the central hub for UA students). On the first day of school the freshmen walk in with their ideals of "best dressed." The older denizens of the campus either steer clear of this charade or indulge in their seniority.

This is especially true for the Frats & Sororities. My frat felt the populace of UA (black, white, & polka dot -It's all inclusive) should have a glimpse into what is in store.

The day had a slew of interesting pix as well.

This should be an interesting year.

---Xay B.

1 comment:

  1. So glad I never went to a University. I would have stuck out like a sore thumb in that sea of thick black chicks throwing up the pyramid symbol.

    *rolls eyes*


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