Monday, September 6, 2010

"Never Enough"

Roo to the people

New vid-"Never Enough" Shot & edited by Xay B. (Me of course)

Just to let you know I don't have a specific bias towards my recording my fraternity (though I admit if I had to choose between my frat or another I'd pick mine). It's just the noticeable fact Ques tend to hop. Recording them gives me a good amount of footage to play around with in Final Cut. I'm still a novice to video editing game. I'm always looking for the next "thing" I can capture. Footage is footage. I need to learn & it just so happens my frat gives me the most camera time.

On this note, I've still got footage of my University's Block Party for the Greeks so I'll most likely begin editing on that and my short film Baby Steps soon.

Nu Epsilon's motto has really stuck with me though.

-Never Enough-

It's simple, yet declaratively powerful. So much can be taken from this declaration of strength.

Let someone take you out into the water. Close your eyes and allow them to take you underwater.
They won't let you up. As you struggle to emerge from the depths of the abyss they finally allow you to rise up.

They ask, "What did you want to do..."
You reply, "Breathe."
They declare, "Until you want your passion as much as you wanted to breathe you will never be successful."

I may not have explicitly recited this proverb as well as the person who first told me, but the message is clear nonetheless. Never enough. Hopefully, this message will not be lost on me.

---Xay B.

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