Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'll Meet You at North Greene

North Greene Records (which consists entirely of UA undergraduate students) has been working with me recently to finish & amp their resurgence into the rap game. The group purports that their sound is a unique compliment to the way we examine southern rap culture. I can get with it!

I'm always interested in working with individuals who I know work hard themselves. Friends, clients, models and co-workers should all have a similar concept of my work ethic- I'm thorough. Once I start a project-I'm GOING to finish it.

Most importantly, I have to feel a NEED to work on the project. It's the urgency that makes me work best. Any project I pick up I'm going to work with the kind of diligence that warrants and brings about more work. The client's project is a reflection not only of his subject matter, but my skill and propensity as a blacksmith of tangible redefinition (could've just said editing there. I'm being fancy on this piece)

I've learned you've got to be willing to help those around you in order to build a good rep. This goes beyond friendships

To clarify the guys I did this project for were my dorm-mates. We even went in together and produced an online radio station show for the campus our freshmen year. This plays into what I'm saying. It's not so much about the friendship (though that makes play a factor). It's more-so the understanding I can trust these individuals to stand by their word & work just as hard as I do. That's all I ask.

 Who is North Greene?

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