Saturday, December 4, 2010

Stand in the Schoolhouse Door

If you're from the state of Alabama shame on you. If you're from the southern states of the US you should know this. For everyone else let me inform you. This is The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door.

The event took place outside of Foster Auditorium at The University of Alabama on June 11, 1963.  Governor George Wallace stood before the doors of the auditorium to make sure two african american students (James Hood and Vivian Malone) could not register to become students at the university.

Last week my fraternity, The Beta Eta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi, and the UA Chapter of NAACP held a Toy Ball to commemorate the "firsts" at The University of Alabama as well as provide needy children with gifts for christmas.

One of these first commemorated were the first black students to attend Alabama-Autherine Lucy Foster, James Hood, & Vivian Malone.

The president of the UA chapter of NAACP asked me to make a video to commemorate the occasion and be played for the audience

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