Saturday, January 1, 2011

Homophobia and The N-Word

When it comes to incidents in popular culture I'm usually the last person to input my two-cent. This philosophy plays an underlying role on the blog as well since I try to make sure any writing appearing here pertains to the overall theme I've established.

Film, Photography, & the industry which I aspire to enrich.

Simply, I want to keep myself on topic. If I talked about everything that entered my head this blog would lose the essence of its purpose. Every once and a while I do find myself pulling the edges to bring you a topic I find interesting.

This just happens to be one of those instances. The music and film industry are in many ways synonymous. Without one the other would not capably function. From Star Wars to the minute renditions of Robot Chicken, the industry of film, and television have a strong need for voice acting, sound effects, beats, and most notably, music.

So it is with this reason I find this topic very relevant on a personal and business level. What did the gay person say to his guest sharing his bunk bed? Do you want it on top or bottom? What does a black NBA player say to his son? Nothing, he pays the child support and leaves

Sour taste in your mouth yet? Recently, I caught wind of the incident between Chris Brown and Raz B via media-takeout and the messy people that congregate facebook and twitter.

Chris Brown (left) - Raz B (right)
Long story short, Chris Brown got pissed off with Raz B when his singing contemporary weighed in on Rihanna and his relationship. In retaliation Chris Brown went to twitter and announced every butt-plugging, dildo wielding, dick discombobulating homophobic slur he could think of for Raz B. 

This stems from Raz B.'s previous confession that he was allegedly molested by hip hop/R&B top individuals in the industry, such as Marques Houston. 

Not the main point of this post though.  After the words heated down, Chris Brown later apologized for his actions and stated that he was not a homophobe. Of course, the bedazzled and disturbingly loyal fans of C. Breezy allowed him a free pass using the logic that since Chris Brown apologized for his actions he couldn't possibly be homophobic.

Now, everyone has jokingly (usually in the confines of your friend's house away from windows and wire taps) enlisted the aid of a gay joke or two to combat the banal existence that is your homeboy...I'm pretty sure a black joke comes out of the blue for shits & giggles. It happens. 

This small nugget of logic spreads the gates open for so many conflicting problems I can't begin to point out, but this is the most obvious.  If Chris Brown is allowed to publicly call someone a fag that is gay, publicly apologize,  and state he is not homophobic then we agree he is not homophobic...It is obvious that a white person who calls a black person a nigger, who publicly apologizes,  and states he is not racist. Has anyone noticed the discrepancy yet?

How can we allow Chris Brown a free gay pass and not allow non-black people a free nigger pass whenever they feel the need to rage? Chris Brown popped off at the mouth in a moment of humiliation and anger, but since he is absolved due to his temporary state of being "pissed the fuck off" must we not do the same for individuals who are angered by an African American and use the N-word?It's the same concept, just on a racial scale. Even out the playing field. I do believe in the idea that a person cannot necessarily be prejudice and still use words of derogatory or inflammatory nature. 

When you get pissed off you look for the quickest words to ignite the other parties emotions. It just so happens that fag and nigger are the cues for these two specific groups. C. Breezy's president do we assume that anyone who uses racial or homophobic slurs in a bout of rage is not racist or homophobic if they apologize and state they are not...

Or do we condemn them no matter the circumstances of their situation.  Point blank, as a black person you cannot endorse Chris Brown's apology and his reasoning, yet get pissed off the next time a white person utters the word nigger in a fit of rage.  This will be a prime example of hypocrisy in colors (literally and figuratively).

Think wisely about this next time when you're ready to go off as well. I can honestly say when I've become amply pissed off at someone I may pull out the verbal abuse and get creative you shitty quiff belching vagina munching laxative induced shit stain of existence...but at no point have I ever felt the necessity to get back at a person I'm mad at by using their sexual orientation or race. 

This especially stands true in the industry I'm working towards. Friends in higher places can be more beneficial than a body work in certain instances. This kind of behavior is the perfect template for burning bridges. Individuals may have opinions, but for the sake of their career they silence the most radical, racial, or misogynistic ones (at least until they are important enough to where they can run their mouth). 

May times celebrity status or stardom allows one a free *say something really racist or stupid* pass  (Kanye West, Glenn Beck, Mel Gibson, Calvin Klein, Michael Richards), but it is not without consequence.  Just look at Kanye till recently or Mel Gibson right now. Michael Richards (Kramer) has essentially ended his career because he couldn't control himself. One of my friends passed this quote to me when I shared my exasperation with her-

"Speak when you're angry and make the best speech you'll ever regret." 


  1. Good points. This type of duplicity shows up often. When I point it out I'm automatically racist, no matter how much good I've done in the community. (My "resume" in that area is long and detailed although much of it is hidden. I don't put people's business on the street if they have used my assistance, and I don't help people for accolades. Just beacause it's the right thing to do.) I appreciate your saying things that few would listen if I said them.

    But I will give you a pass on one of the statements you used above, you can call me a "vagina muncher" any time you want. :-P

  2. "How can we allow Chris Brown a free gay pass and not allow non-black people a free nigger pass whenever they feel the need to rage?"
    My thoughts exactly X, my thoughts exactly. This was one of your best posts. Very well written.


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