Saturday, February 5, 2011

5x5 Sprinkles

CMF is semi-kicking my butt at the moment. It's amazing how much time can be invested in something as small as a 5 minute video. I know me and my team will finish without a problem though.

Since I've been working on CMF I've wanted to keep my posts more video oriented so I wanted to share smaller project I finished a few weeks back.

It's known as a 5 Vignettes on Vimeo. To enter the submission you must make a montage of five clips. The clips cannot be edited save the transitions between each scene in the cuts. They don't have to be related. They don't have to make any coherent sense. It's just a think tank of ideas on film plastered together. I liked the idea so I decided to participate.

It's simple, but it's one of the projects I really enjoyed since it allowed me to use random clips I've had on the computer I couldn't put to use. Wish me the best on CMF.

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