Sunday, January 30, 2011

Behind The Scenes-Travis Cooper

Campus Movie Fest is quickly approaching. We've been in intense pre-production recently. As head of the Que The Lights Team I've been making sure everything comes together in a smooth fashion. This is honestly the first time I've been the head of a project this large so I'm sweating a few bullets, but I believe the end product will be on point.

For the upcoming week (Feb.1-Feb.7) I've notified clients that I'm not taking any jobs so I can focus on the short film. This weekend, I finished up a photoshoot I was comissioned for a few weeks back.

The main model was Travis Cooper, a student at The University of Alabama whose been building up a commendable reputation. The shoot also included Margaret Hollaway and Synetta Hawkins. All of this was headed under BoomTown Management, an on-campus marketing and agency group.

I also received tremendous help from Kevyn Bryant as well as one of my residents, Joe Field.

Overall, the photoshoot was a success. I haven't finished up editing, but Joe compiled a lot of candid film which we then edited into a short behind the scenes video.

Be on the lookout for the pictures soon,

1 comment:

  1. GREAT POST!!! And cool video, it was really neat getting to see you in action! I look forward to seeing the short film & photos! :)

    That GOOD GOOD Blog


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