Wednesday, January 26, 2011

All is Young

Things have been getting quite hectic now that school is in full swing. It's a little over two weeks into school and I'm already swamped with homework plus I've already had an exam.

Je n'aime pas français quand le professeur est très difficile.

Along with the work, I've been getting ready for Campus Movie Fest. For those not in the know it's a multi-campus contest where teams of students have a week to make a five minute film. Most would consider that easy, but from experience I can honestly say it's never easy when you're put on a strict time limit.

Still, I believe the idea my team and I decided to use should turn a few heads.

While I'm here I'd like to share a story behind some of my latest pictures,

Al Young
This is Alfred Young

Actor, model, and victim of a freak computer crash. This unfortunate incident left him without headshots for his audition in Atlanta the next day. Unable to get in touch with his photographer, Alfred was recommended my way...

9pm at night. His audition was 8pm the next day. This wouldn't be the most stress-inducing story had it not been for the fact his audition was in Atlanta, Georgia which is four hours away from Tuscaloosa. When he made it to my residence I had to figure out a sufficient method of getting him a variety of looks without revealing the immediacy and negligence of preparation. It was quite the extenuating circumstance, but sometimes good work can emerge from pressure. 

Maybe you could tell, but these were the backgrounds for the pictures

The wall of a bathroom door
A black t-shirt
The outside entrance of my dorm

The Set Up




That's one of the pieces of photography I love. Any situation can be made interesting if executed correctly. You just have to be willing to take that chance. To check out more photos from Al click HERE.

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