Sunday, March 13, 2011

I Am The NU Black

One of my older films, Me and Mrs. Jones, has been featured on the currently watching section of website I Am: The Nu BlackThe NuBlack is a site dedicated to highlighting youth of African descent (I believe the creator makes an understandable effort to highlight youth of African descent rather than African American, but I'll explain later) and their creative endeavors. Still, I should allow the creator to better explain.
October 2008, I decided to set myself a challenge for Black History Month in the UK. 30 days of posts featuring youth of African descent , the things that inspired them, positive images, videos, news articles, quotes etc.
I completed the challenge and decided to continue. My aim is to try and post things that are not necessarily ‘out there’, that are original, creative and that will hopefully inspire those after me (and hopefully those before me if they come across the site).
The name thenublack comes from the idea that my generation and those born to parents of the African diaspora have had  a path paved for them by their ascendants.
Although we may not have experienced first-hand the effects that many of those well known figures had on the world – I have hope we’re not only continuing to pave that path, but that we’re aspiring to be equally as great, as revolutionary and box-breaking as they were.

I had the privilege of speaking with the individual behind the site. It is one of the few times I've been able to get in contact with someone from a website easily and hold a good conversation. I'm always looking for avenues to expose my work and TheNuBlack definitely showed interest.

For that I am undeniably appreciative.

Looking back on my previous work is interesting. You tend not to look back frequently until someone gives you a reason. I believe one of the biggest things I noticed is the growth in technical skills since I made the film. Comparing Me and Mrs. Jones to Bottom of a Glass  definitely gives you an accurate idea. I consider the comparison a positive. As a filmmaker/photographer/artist/etc, the worst outcome I can find in my work is lack of progression. If growth isn't evident, then something is wrong

Also, let me finish explaining why I am glad TheNuBlack uses youth of African descent over African American. I believe a lot of people (especially in The United States) forget Black History Month is NOT African-American History Month. It is a month that encompasses all individuals who can trace their ancestry to African roots in some manner. I honestly believe this understanding is lost more-so in the states.

Let me clarify. It isn't due to a lack of appreciation. Black History Month has just become so narrow in its spectrum of highlighted individuals and groups many people forget there are Black people outside of the United States and Black history across the globe. Check out the site HERE

You can check out all of my short films, including Me and Mrs. Jones on QTL's short film page.


  1. I use a term I've made up "afam" (and euram too for that matter) to mitigate the shortcomings of the current terminology. Black and white are inaccurate and divisive. We're all shades of brown (some really light and some really dark, but most of us along the spectrum in between) and not opposed or polar opposites as black and white are. Also I don't capitalize the term since most of us are a few steps removed from our African and European heritage.

    Congratulations on making the site. Having your work recognized by others is a pleasant reward.

  2. Congrats on the feature, it's a hilarious piece of film,, the old film format is amazing, reminds me of those films where they had no sounds so body language was used to show what was happening.

  3. Thank you for the love from both of you.

    Abigail I'll be checking your site out soon


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