Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Women of Substance

The University of Alabama is having its annual elections for The Student Government Association. 

The SGA at The University of Alabama is the lifeline between the students and the administrators around campus who honestly wield the power to change. Unfortunately, there has always been a very prevalent disconnect between the students and its governing body for a very long period of time. 

This disconnect has been abused for individual benefits and has done little to aid the student body. 

Coresa Nancy Hogan, the independent candidate in the race for SGA president,  is hoping to dispel this notion and hopefully make the SGA a more welcoming government body. 

Sydney Page is the cousin of Kendra Key, the only candidate for SGA in years to come close to winning the seat of SGA president as an Independent. This would've been fulfilled if not for behind the scenes work the University of Alabama felt the need to over look

Still, Sydney does not live in the shadow of her elder family and has actively worked to leave her own mark on campus.

Both are promising young women poised to do something with their lives.

I'm just there to take really cool photographs. 



The Up & Coming

To check out more from Coresa and Sydney click HERE.


  1. I just saw your video on Gallery No. 3. Great work! I am a new follower for sure!

  2. Thank you very much, both of you.

    @Nadia, the layout of your site is great. I love sites that keep it elegant and simple.

  3. Very pretty shots

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