Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Quiet After The Storm Part.2

The conditions around Tuscaloosa have slowly progressed from the terrible scene that was brought on by the April 27th tornado.

The National Guard has been brought in as well as FEMA. President Obama also visited Tuscaloosa to personally address the residents who have lost everything. Since April 27th Tuscaloosa has been under strict curfew. Individuals without relevant purpose past 8pm are asked to return to their homes if they are near areas that have been badly damaged.

This measure was approved by Mayor Maddox and Governor Bentley when looters started to descend on damaged areas during nightfall. Hopefully, everyone is taking this serious since there has already been a few deaths from police encounters with looters in restricted areas.

Overall, there is still a tremendous amount of work to be done for Tuscaloosa and the state in general.

Here are some more photos from the devastation,

To see more of the photos that hasn't been featured on the site check out our Photography Gallery or click here.


  1. Wow so devastating how bad that tornado is! I can't imagine how hard it is for the people who lost everything because of this tornado. Awesomew shots. It shows how bad the tornado was. My heart goes out to all the people affected. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend!

  2. I feel for the people who were caught in this terrible natural incident...It may not be the best scenario but I will like to say that I really like your pictures I came here through another blog and I will be following you...My prayers go to them and that they can start rebuilding soon

    The Black Label

  3. Thank you to both of you. Things are slowly getting better. One thing I've noticed is that it seems like people from Alabama have really come together as a group to work uplift those who have lost everything. It's still surreal to see the landscape, but I'm happy so many citizens are trying their best to help.

  4. Devastating photos... I don't think I could be capable of standing all of this if it happened to me... these people are really brave.

  5. Wow. It's so crazy to see a little bit of what the earth is capable of. I feel terribly sorry for the families.

  6. I agree with everyone else. Those photos speak volumes. I never would have imagined Alabama would get a tornado like that. I have family there so we have been reaching out and sending clothes etc.

  7. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I think one of my favorite things to see is individuals taking out time to let me know what they think of my work or what I'm working on at the moment.

    The tornado has really put me back on a lot of projects I was working on, but opportunity never sleeps as it's given me so much more to do.

    Be on the lookout for more.

  8. I saw this on TV and it looked really frightening, however the pictures are more representative of the entire disaster - especially the ones in black and white.


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