Friday, May 13, 2011

This Christmas

A trend I've noticed that has been happening repeatedly since I was a child was Christmas always trumping every other holiday, but who can complain.

I'm not implying that Thanksgiving and Halloween aren't awesome parts of our American lore and heritage, but they just tend to pale in comparison to Christmas. Halloween is like that creepy cousin in the corner who only nab chicks when it's in style to be goth or emo. Thanksgiving is that awesome Grandmother who brings the entire extended family together, but there is a reason why you can't stand to see everyone more than ONCE a year.

Christmas...Christmas is that super fun awesome time Uncle that everyone in the family wishes was their Dad, even his own Dad. Everybody loves to hear his stories. He rides a motorcycle not because he's going through a mid-life crisis. He's just a rebel that walks his own path. His gray hair isn't a sign of age, it's a sign of wisdom. He's invited to your home all year round, but only comes to your place once a year because his category of awesome is too tangy to indulge more than once.

That's Christmas and the media seems to agree. When Halloween is gearing up, you can already catch a few commercials touting Christmas.

America adores Christmas. I say all of this to give reason as to why I'm about to show you a video I shot nearly six months ago, but just got around to editing.

On a technical note, I believe photographers, filmmakers, cinematographers, etc...should take the time to walk away from a project when they are done shooting and give their brain time to detox from it. Coming back to a project a week, or two, or more later can give you an objective insight you may not have seen before.

It's easy to get attached to a certain photograph or shot you did. It seems awesome given you know the context of how and why you got it, but the audience who watches won't so you end up trying to force in a shot that just isn't necessary.

Anyway, I filmed my folks during Xmas of last year. I wanted to make something nice for the family, but the project got back logged till now.

1 comment:

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