Tuesday, May 17, 2011

BWA 2011 & The Impossible Film Contest

Que The Lights has been privileged to be chosen for two different honors during this month. The first is The Black Weblog Awards.

I recently found out Que The Lights was nominated in the Categories of:

-Best Film Blog

-Best Photography Blog

After everything that has happened in the past few weeks this is a really great surprise. It's good to know there are those individuals who view this blog as a source of productivity and entertainment.

It hasn't even been a year since I started this site (June 17, 2010) and I can honestly say it is one of the best ideas I'm glad I stuck with.

Go VOTE HEREAlso, be sure to vote for these two sites as well: That GOOD GOOD Blog and The Nu Black. GOOD GOOD is nominated in Best Blog Design, Fashion, & Culture. The Nu Black is nominated in Best International and Best Culture Blog.

Voting ends June 17th so don't wait. As I've talked about before "Bottom of a Glass" has been accepted into The Short Film Corner of The Cannes Film Festival. Being accepted into Cannes qualified BOAG to be entered into another film contest known as The Impossible Film Contest.

The IFC contest allows short films that have been accepted into Cannes to enter in a competition between one another. The two winners get a Go Pro HD camera that allows you to shoot in precarious positions a regular camera wouldn't be able to handle. It's a prize that could really come in handy.

So go to the site HERE to watch "Bottom of a Glass" then on the right side look for a button with a heart on it and press the "I like this" button. Voting ends on May 23rd so be sure to check this one out and help Que The Lights as soon as possible.


  1. I voted you! hope you win :)
    and that working-together idea is really good actually!
    take care,


  2. Thanks, I appreciate both of y'all support!

    @Ber-Maybe one day when we're both at that next level!


Thank you for taking out the time to check and comment on my blog. I love to hear feedback so if you leave a message be checking back for my reply!