Friday, July 15, 2011

Settling Down after the Storm

It's been over two weeks since the end of The International Grand Finale and I'm just now settling down from all of the commotion. Relatively, everything is slowly reverting back to normality.

Much of the wreckage has been cleaned up around Tuscaloosa, but the remnants of the storm still remain visible. Many of the places I filmed have been torn down. The majority of Tuscaloosa natives who lost their homes haven't returned considering their is nothing left. It's unfortunate, but it will be years before the city fully recovers. Through this unrelenting ordeal glimpses of progress can be seen. Relief efforts are still working to help people in need. Outside aid has been prevalent. Bama has finally pitched in as well.

I've also had the benefit of support from the community as well. I was featured on CBS 42 for my documentary,


ABC 3340 also picked up the story,

I was also interviewed by The Neon Tommy, The University of Southern California's Digital Newspaper.

You can check out the write-up here as well.

This entire experience has been amazing, but I'm already back to working. I have a wedding video to finish editing, I'll be working with the mayor's office to shoot PSAs for Tuscaloosa to air on the local news, and I have a few photo sessions to finish editing (I got my first commission from a client for child photography so I'm looking forward to sharing).

School will be starting soon so I'm also getting prepared to apply for grad school and my last year as an undergraduate. It's amazing how time moves by so quickly.


  1. I spotted you right away in that video! fresh cut! lol congratulations again. That's so amazing.

    You still have a yr left of school? I feel so old.

  2. I can't be on camera looking busted. lol

    Thank you both for the congrats tho!


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