Monday, December 13, 2010

We Are The Brothers Que Pt.II -Graduation Pix

Last post I gave you a glimpse into greek culture regarding some of the more known rituals involved with graduating members of my fraternity.

Along with video, I took pictures to test out the new lens I picked up, the Canon 50mm f/1.4.

I had major problems navigating around packs of people or capturing full panorama type pictures, but the results were nonetheless fantastic.












To check out more photos from graduation click HERE.


  1. Wow, the shots in the crowd after the ceremony are really powerful. They should be proud to have someone with your talent to capture the most momentous day of their life. :)

    The fella in the pale sweater with the birds on it certainly looks good on camera.

    It must have been hard to get the shots of them coming off the stage; at my high school graduation there was a big pile of parents snapping pics and they kept getting in each other's way, hehe.

  2. Thx! I knew it would get hectic with parents clamoring for shots so I got there about thirty minutes early and set up directly where the kids were walking down and sat there the entire ceremony.

    For a good shot I'm willing to go a little further.

    Checked out your blog! You possibly have one of the best looking layouts I've seen. Your logo & tabs look great!

  3. I was actually on your blog the other day and I literally looked through every single post you've ever done, all the way to your very first one! I was so taken by your amazing photography that I didn't even leave a comment, smh. So I am taking this moment in time to say you, my friend, are truly, TRULY talented! I love the perspective of your photography, since you are a member of a frat you really manage to capture the intensity of the brotherhoods and sisterhoods of greek life which I find so inspiring, I swear, looking through your photos makes me want to pledge even more than I already want to next year! I especially loved these graduation shots (my fave on is the sepia shot about 25 pics down!) :)Keep up this superb work!!!

    That GOOD GOOD Blog


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