Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Digital Imaging Diaries

One of the things I've come to appreciate about the atmosphere of blogging is the sense of community you gain with other like-minded individuals. I've found a multitude of cinematographers and photographers whose work I highly enjoy.

I've still found an acute interest in blogs whose main focus doesn't deal with photography, cinema, or video work. The common theme I've found in the majority of sites I regularly engage is passion.

There is a waning line between the throes of passion and the wilds of obsession. I believe many of the individuals I regularly read teeter on this fault. They are so thoroughly immersed within their field objectively splitting their career and personality is near impossible. If anything, their career is their personality or a major piece. I consider this the highest example of enjoying your given career.

So this brings me to the highlight of my day.

Rick Sammon, a veteran photographer whose style flows in a plethora of directions, asked readers of his blogs to send links to photos they took which resonated the theme of patriotism.

One of the big things I like about Rick is the fact he listens and answers. Much bigger blogs who gain tremendous notoriety tend to neglect their audience, but Rick is able to keep a happy medium.

I decided to send him a link of this picture from my Flickr account.

Keep Alabama in Your Prayers

A few hours later, to my surprise, I checked back on his blog to find my picture had been featured as a representation of patriotism he liked. Pretty awesome surprise, especially considering how much I admire Rick's work as a photographer.

To check out the feature click HERE.


  1. Wow..that´s so cool! Congrats..I think your picture is awesome..Gonna check his page, thanks for sharing!

    The Black Label

  2. Congrats Xay! it's great he considered your work! Keep up the good stuff!
    take care :)

  3. Hi. The blogging community is great, met some awesome people. Your photo is evocative. Congrats!

  4. Thanks for the share. Lots of great shots on your flickr account.

  5. Congratulations!!! I love your photo :) Gorgeous.

    <3 Belly B

  6. Thanks everyone. I appreciate you taking out the time to check it out!

  7. Very cool. How did you make the flag colorful but the rest black and white?


Thank you for taking out the time to check and comment on my blog. I love to hear feedback so if you leave a message be checking back for my reply!