Saturday, June 11, 2011

QTL Images

Good news once again.

Portrait of the Storm has been featured on the website, Confessions of a City Girl.

Sherine Patrick (founder and author of Confessions) recently covered me as her Artist Spotlight this week for my short documentary, Portrait of the Storm.

Sherine has been on the blogging scene since July 2010 (not too far from my own start) and has amassed a large following dedicated reviews, fashion forward thoughts, and interesting epiphanies on the world around us. Check out the feature as well as getting to know the city girl behind all of the confessions.

Still, there is even bigger news for Que The Lights! One of the biggest reasons behind creating this site was to maintain an online portfolio capable of presenting my work to the public in a professional manner. Que The Lights has evolved from a simple portfolio site into a full-blown center for my creative work, writing, and ideas.

This wasn't a bad thing, but I still believed the best way to reach clients and individuals interested in my work is through a site that centers solely on the work.

I'd like to present the newest addition to Que The Lights, QTL Images.

The portfolio site highlights my best work in a clean format anyone can comb through with ease. I'd been thinking of this idea for long period of time, but I only went to action when I realized my trip to California for the CMF Grand Finale Film Festival was nearing.

I wanted to make sure my was presentable as possible since I'll be in California for the Film Festival as well as scoping opportunities for the next year. Be sure to check it out. You can find the link by clicking the Portfolio button at the top or click HERE. Finally, with the success of Portrait of the Storm I'd like to say thank you to some of the people that helped me out with it.

Sumerlin Brandon- the musician who composed the score for Portrait of the Storm.
Trey Moe- One of the testimonials as well as great comedian in his own right.
Kevyn Bryant-Que The Light's Partner and photographer in the Tuscaloosa area.
Dr.Rachel Raimist and Professor Adam Schwartz- My professors and friends who have made it possible from the beginning when I entered The Telecommunication and Film Department at The University of Alabama.

Hard work sometimes pays off.


  1. Congrats on the feature..btw I love Sherine´s blog is awesome! Great new portfolio site!

    The Black Label

  2. Xay, I just voted for you in every category you are in for the Black Weblog Awards!

    Best wishes!

  3. Thanks for all the help guys. I really appreciate all the help especially since the anniversary of my blog is coming up in 5 days.

  4. Really nice work here, Xay. I watched your shorts and the Storm documentary, which was incredibly touching. Must have been heartbreaking to put it all together--it's heartbreaking to watch...
    You're building an impressive portfolio.
    Thanks for stopping by Suburban Soliloquy. ;)

  5. Congratulations for your feature and for the new section of your blog :)
    Watched the short film, really really loved it. It's so deep and interesting because it's a situation that many people have lived but one way or the other they find something to go on.
    Take care Xay!
    Hope you're having a good week :)

  6. Congratulations!! Will check out your work :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog too!


  7. Once again I can't say how much I appreciate the support. Starting this blog and showcasing my work has been one of the best decisions I've made.

  8. congrats on the feature! sherine has a lovely blog and so do you :)


Thank you for taking out the time to check and comment on my blog. I love to hear feedback so if you leave a message be checking back for my reply!